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Masabata takes a bow – Lockdown

04 July 2019
Who can live without her and which alliances will fall apart after taking her down?
masabata aftermath article lockdown

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. These are the words that saw the demise of Masabata. An unlikely coalition between sworn enemies Deborah, Tyson, MaZet, Monde and an unknowing Maki Magwaza became the final nail in the cult leader’s coffin.

Deborah’s mind control of Maki Magwaza through music worked agin in her favour as Tyson and MaZet convinced Monde to programme the assassin to kill her leader.

Those who simply can’t deal


Katlego can barely cope without her leader. Her and Masabata go way back to days just before Katlego was incarcerated and she was on a killing spree under Masabata’s directives. A short stint as Masabata’s assassin landed her in prison but right next to her leaders side.

What will she do now without Masabata? Will she draw nearer to her sister, Monde?

Maki Magwaza

She came in as the most feared woman with any sharp object in her hand. However, by the time Deborah was done with her, she became a scared little puppy as soon as a certain tune came on. Maki Magwaza can barely cope with what she did to the woman she believes saved her life, how can she continue to live without her?

Fickle alliances

Tyson and MaZet

Tyson and MaZet had a common enemy to take down – Maki Magwaza who was ruling the roost as the head of the Thabazimbi drug empire. However, their coalition came just seconds after a heated war between them for the drug business. A war that saw Tyson calling a hit on MaZet only child, Nkuli. Tyson’s efforts to recall the hit were a miss and it seems MaZet may have truly lost her daughter and grandchild.

Deborah, Tyson, MaZet and Monde

They may have worked together to get rid of Masabata, but there is no loyalty amongst thieves. Who will head up Thabazimbi next with Masabata gone? 

However, Masabata has been in charge for so long, it is hard to believe that she has gone from turning heads to taking a bow.

Here is what you thought of Masabata’s last moments:

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