
Daily SunTV

04 September

A 15 year old who says she had the calling from the ancestors to twasa... But she also wanted to go to school, get her matric and study medicine... For 15 months she attended school in the mornings and continued with her twasa journey in the afternoons... But according to her and her mom it was a battle for not just acceptance but to just remain in school because of who she is. After her story appeared in the Daily Sun, it seems all has worked out for the better and she is now happily back in class. We caught up with her and her mother to hear what she went through... [at the time]... This insert originally aired on Daily Sun TV, on Friday, 30th August 2013, on Mzansi Magic. For more programming and news from Mzansi Magic, visit the official site: http://www.mzansimagic.dstv.com/ Follow Mzansi Magic on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mzansimagic Like Mzansi Magic on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mzansimagic